
“The first half had their star already with the violinist Daniel Dodds. Dodds expressed the moods in this classical-hit perfectly for this baroque music. His enthusiasm heightened and melted away, revealing great class.”

Neue Luzerner Zeitung

“Daniel Dodds owns it, this pristine singing violin sound which appears so natural. He matches it with a splendid technique, which he literally lives out in Bach’s Chaconne, he is musically of the utmost sensitivity.”

Thurgauer Zeitung

“The conductor Achim Fiedler had invited an excellent soloist in Daniel Dodds, who gave the Mozart’s violin concerto KV 219 a special touch. That was also the case for the Rondo C-Major (KV 373), where Dodds shone with his energetic tone.”

Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung

“Violinsoloist Daniel Dodds enthralled audience and colleagues in Lalo’s “Symphonie Espagnole”. “The violinist Daniel Dodds accomplished with the solo part of Edouard Lalo’s “Symphonie Espagnole” a truly brilliant feat. When a virtuoso soloist brings this inspired acoustical picture with so much hearty and fiery passion, seductively romantic, and with a self evident enthusiasm for technically demanding artistry and indulgent sound tapestry, the heart of the audience melts.”

Giessener Anzeiger

“The Bach violin concerto in D minor was played by the splendid concertmaster Daniel Dodds in a wonderful way and with passion, with a beautiful sound and deep expression; it was a peak experience of this concert.”

El Colombiano

“… When the time arrived for the violin concerto in C Major by Haydn, there was no room for doubt, those musicians were in reality geniuses, particularly the soloist Daniel Dodds, who gave a magnificent demonstration of virtuosity and the ability to play in the highest quality…”

El Economista, Guanajuato/Mexico

“…Dodds performed with great confidence, effortlessly, to be exact. Stylish and crisp ornaments as well as his tone variety made his performance even more fascinating. His running scales and arpeggios were superb. Audiences were thrilled with his cadenza, which created a great sense of climax and excitement. In the remarkable second movement, Dodds expressed his musical talent by playing a simple rising melodic line very beautifully. He charmed the audience with his beautiful and refined musical phrasing while the orchestra provided gentle support by playing light pizzicato…”

Bangkok Post

“…How Daniel Dodds ended the work in the highest register in deepest contemplation, was in every respect a wonder on its own…”

Neue Luzerner Zeitung